Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Roof: Shingle Repair or Replace

  If your roof is leaking regardless of its material then a roof repair will be needed as soon as possible to stop the leak(s) into your home.  The repair may be temporary as additional work may be needed to make the repairs that will hold up for the duration of existing roof materials used.  If you have several leaks or your roof is 15 years or older the logical solution would be to consider replacing as older 3 tab shingles are 20 – 25 year shingles, they have exceeded half their lifespan.  Depending on repairs needed, you will be advised on what your solution are. Also, it’s good to inspect the overall condition of the roof and consider replacing the roofing; if the shingle colors are fading, the shingles are curling, buckling or facing is coming off and a more serious issues such as roof decking that has started to sag or buckle.
Other things to consider are if its generally in good condition then a good repair is all that will be needed or if you’re going to sell your home or will replace it at a later time.  One other thing, shingles of past years more than likely won’t match the old ones and the new color will not be faded like the existing shingles.  If you’re replacing your roof some things to consider are your gutters, skylights and venting at this time as they make your roof design good and properly installed, including ice and water shield at gutter edges.  Installing leaf guard on gutters is also good idea while were there! 

Call us at 724-226-3467 or e mail us at: for emergency repairs and estimates for your new roof.

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