Spring has arrived!
Did you know that most people spend more than 87%
of their time indoors and that indoor air is often 10 times and sometimes even
up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air?
You can take control of your indoor air quality (IAQ) now by reducing pollutants that can contribute to headache, fatigue, lung irritation and foul odors.
your home fight mold, germs, volatile organic compounds, odors and reduce
airborne particles by choosing one of RGF’s
Air Purification Systems that best fits your needs. RGF’s award winning
line of induct and stand-alone air purifiers featuring REME® and
PHI-cell® technology produce hydro-peroxides (H2O2), which are
proven safe and effective at cleansing the air in your home. Improve your indoor air quality and extend the
life of your AC and heating system also.
We sell, service and install RGF’s Air Purification Systems
Spring is a time to clean your surroundings
and gardening, but it's also a time to think about saving the planet. If one
out of ten households invested in an Energy STAR-rated heating and cooling
system, it would eliminate 13 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions
alone. If you are interested in upgrading your heating and cooling system, Snyder Heating and Remodeling is offeringexciting spring specials on a new home comfort system and you’ll receive
free of charge an Aprilaire model 2410 with a MERV 13 air filter with your
upgrade!We want to save our surroundings and the planet, but we really want to save money. Thanks to Snyder Heating and Remodeling spring is the time for that, too! You can have savings every year with calling us for: Regular heating and air conditioning tune-ups can save up to 20% on your energy bills. Tightening your building shell and adding additionali nsulation. Installing energy-efficient windows and doors such as ENERGY STAR qualified windows and doors.
Upgrading your home’s heating and air conditioning systems does more than help the planet through better energy efficiency, it can also save you up to 50% on your energy bills. Those savings can really add up here our area. If you aren’t sure if you need a new system, you can still participate in our spring special for a Tune-Up for your air conditioning unit that can save up to 20% or more during the peak summer temperatures.
Spring is for saving – saving your air, saving the planet, and saving you money. Give the Heating and Remodeling Experts at SNYDERS a call today at 724-226-3467 or e-mail info@snyderhtg-remod.com and start saving!
Snyder Heating and Remodeling “since